Navigating the Risks of LLM AI Tools for Data Governance

The sudden advent of large language model (LLM) AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Duet AI for Google Cloud, and Microsoft 365 Copilot, is opening new frontiers in AI-generated content and solutions. But the widespread harnessing of these tools will also soon create an epic flood of content based on unstructured data – representing an unprecedented […]

Five Steps to Balancing Centralized and Decentralized Data Governance

Organizations must realign responsibilities and decision rights between the central data governance authority and the decentralized business functions. Here’s how. Data governance is critical in today’s data-driven world. It defines how data should be gathered and used within an organization. Growing data sprawl causes users to act on whatever data is available: decisions are made […]

Five Signs It’s Time to Modernize Your Data Warehouse

Many organizations have been putting off data warehouse modernization. So how do you know when it’s time to make the move? In today’s challenging global economy, the business case for more timely analytics has become more urgent than ever. That’s prompting business and technology decision makers to assess whether their existing data warehouse platforms have […]

¿Cómo evitar el fracaso en el abordaje de Modelos Predictivos?

Los modelos predictivos son herramientas poderosas que permiten a las empresas tomar decisiones basadas en datos. Al utilizar algoritmos y técnicas de aprendizaje automático, éstos modelos pueden analizar grandes conjuntos de datos para identificar patrones y tendencias que pueden ser utilizados para predecir resultados futuros. Sin embargo, a pesar de su potencial, muchos proyectos de […]

The Future of Data Modeling in Data Governance

The process of Data Modeling is playing an increasingly important role when creating or improving a Data Governance program. Data Governance has become extremely complex, and the use of Data Modeling promotes understanding. One basic reason for the increasing complexity is the expanding use of data analytics for purposes of research. Another reason is complying […]

Machine Learning (ML) vs Artificial Intelligence (AI) — Crucial Differences

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been receiving a lot of public interest in recent years, with both terms being practically common in the IT language. Despite their similarities, there are some important differences between ML and AI that are frequently neglected. Thus we will cover the key differences between ML and AI […]

Deconstructing the Master Data Management Monolith

Is a microservices-based architecture the right choice for your MDM solution? Your data must be trustworthy and connected to thrive in today’s economy. Master data management (MDM) helps ensure the uniformity, accuracy, stewardship, semantic consistency, and accountability of an organization’s shared master data assets, thereby creating a trusted data set. MDM also plays a critical role in […]

Data Literacy Assessment: How to Measure Success

There is no silver bullet for how organizations can drive data literacy throughout their organizations, but a few general elements include technology, processes, training and programs, and change management. Once an organization starts using data on a daily basis to extract actionable insights – and both the business leaders and line managers start valuing data […]

Graph Database Use Cases

One of the primary advantages of using a graph database is the ability to present the relationships that exist between datasets and files. Much of the data is connected, and graph database use cases are increasingly helping to find and explore these relationships and develop new conclusions. Additionally, graph databases are designed for quick data […]

Data Architecture Trends in 2023

With the onset of the pandemic, global businesses began to realize the power of operational efficiency, scalability, and growth. With this realization came the crucial need to shift their data centers to managed service ecosystems – cloud platforms in all their variations. However, locating a suitable data center partner on the cloud has not been an […]